Sunday:8:00 AMLatinLatineLA|Low Mass10:30 AMLatinLatineLA|Sung Mass
Daily Mass Schedule
MWTh7:00 AMLatinLatineLA|Low Mass
TueFri6:30 PMLatinLatineLA|Low Mass
Saturday:8:00 AMLatinLatineLA|Low Mass
Holy Days of Obligation (other than public holidays): 7:00 AM & 7:00 PM Latin Mass Holy Days of Obligation which coincide with public holidays: 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM Latin Mass
Confession Times
Sun:7:30 AM to 7:50 AM10:00 AM to 10:20 AM
Mon:7:30 AM to 7:50 AM
Tue:6:00 PM to 6:20 PM
Wed:7:30 AM to 7:50 AM
Thu:7:30 AM to 7:50 AM
Fri:6:00 PM to 6:20 PM
Sat:7:30 AM to 7:50 AM1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
1st Sat:9:00 AM (After the 8:00 AM Mass)
Confessions are heard beginning one half-hour before each mass, 9:00 am on First Saturdays, 1-2 pm each Saturday, or by appointment. Check the bulletin for one-time changes in the schedule.
Adoration Times
Friday:5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Weekly
1st Friday:7:15 PM to 7:45 PM (Except during Lent)
Please check the bulletin for any changes to the scheduled Holy Hours.